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 How to Care for Your Plants

We demystify plant care for you, so that you can experience the joy of growth.




  • Assess

  • Water

  • Wipe Down

  • Trim Brown / Yellow Leaves


  • Rotate

  • Outside Cleaning (monthly)

  • Fertilize (every 3 months)

  • Treat pests (as needed)

  • Measure conditions (as needed)

Have your tools ready

  • Watering can

  • Spray bottle

  • Scissors

  • Rag

  • Neem oil

  • Water bottle

  • Bag for leaves

Grow Your Investment


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Getting into the flow of growing is just a matter of setting a schedule and sticking to it. There is a joy in knowing the steps it takes so well, that you can flow through the process and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

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Assess Your Plants

  • Look at overall health of plants

  • Check for pests + signs of pests

  • Look for yellow or brown leaves to trim

  • If the plant looks unhealthy, check the soil moisture



Watering your plants is essential. Make sure to check the soil with your fingers to see if your plant needs watering. Some plants expect a little more water than others, so keep that in mind on your weekly waterings.

  • Water around the entire base of the plant

  • Water until top layer of soil is moist

  • Be careful not to overwater

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Wipe Down

This is your time to detail your plants and remove culprits that can stunt the growth or health of your plants. Take this time to assess the health of your leaves. Wipe down each leaf with the following goals:

  • Remove dust - allowing the sun to hit the leaves properly

  • Remove pests - keeping your plants healthy

  • Add shine to leaves - making your plants look their very best

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Trimming is the quickest way to keep your plants looking fresh. Do not overtrim, only target leaves that need to be removed. Cutting away dead or dying leaves encourages new, healthy growth elsewhere on the plant.

  • Remove yellow & brown leaves

  • Trim any vines that are too long

  • If leaves are too large or in the way, cut them

Keep your plant health stellar

Throughout the seasons


twice monthly

  • To keep your plants growing evenly, you’ll want to rotate them towards the sun

  • Rotate twice monthly

  • Some plants are affected more than others, so look for the right cues of when to rotate. If one side is growing more than the other, it’s probably favoring the side of the sun. Just turn your plant 180 degrees.

Plant Bath


Give your plants a shower, or better yet, natural rain, to clean their leaves, provide nutrients and fight unwanted pests and disease.

  1. Remove moss topping and place aside, do not wet

  2. Remove plants from their decorative pots

  3. Bring outside near hose, be mindful of the sun and not to let the plants burn. An overcast day is safest.

  4. Hose off plant completely, until leaves are shining and free of dust and pests

  5. Let plants dry

  6. Water should drain through bottom of pot

  7. Add any soil as needed

  8. Place plants back into their pots. Make sure plant is properly in tray with wick

  9. Add decorative topping back to plant


Monthly / As needed

  • Encourage new growth by fertilizing once per month in summer months, and every other month in winter.

  • Mix 1 gallon of water with 1 cup of Luna Grow

  • Water plants as usual

Treat Pests

as needed, but always be mindful

Some of the most common houseplant pests include mealy bugs, scale etc, which are prevalent in warmer seasons. The best way to treat pests is to physically remove them. Luna Pest oil is an organic mix that kills and deters pests, helping build your plants’ immunity to attack.

  • Observe your plants weekly, be vigilant

  • Identify pests

  • Treat organically

  • Repeat as needed

Common Indoor Pests

Mealy bugs

Mealy bugs



Spider mites

Spider mites

Treatment approaches


  • Physically wipe off insects with water and rag

  • Wipe with Luna Pest oil


  • Bring plant outside

  • Hose down completely, removing all pests

  • Wipe down with Luna anti pest oil

  • Add Luna Pest oil to top 2” of dirt and mix

When is it time to replace a plant?

You don’t want to fight an uphill battle with your plants, but instead be realistic about the additional investment of time and labor required to heal a damaged plant. It’s important to consider the following:

  • Will it come back? How long will that take?

  • What is the time to recover? (treat, trim, treat again if needed grow back to ideal look)

  • What is the cost of replacement?

Need help?

Contact us.

We are horticultural experts that can help you on your plant growing journey. We will respond to your issues quickly, and offer the option of a 30 minute video assessment + consultation as needed.


Plant Care Guides

Get to know each of your plants to know how to properly care for them